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Giving birth is one of the greatest gifts that has been given to mankind. Most of the parents-to-be are getting their selves prepared for the coming of their new born child by hosting birth announcements.
Though it can be stressful at times, planning a baby birth announcement is altogether fun and exciting. Financially, the host of the event (usually the parents) must know how much budget they will have to allot for the said event. In this way, they will be able to get an estimated amount of money to spend for their party. Parents could ask help from party planners for them to be guided with the financial budget, for the photo birth announcement cards and invitations, and for the kind of party theme that will better suit their taste.
Also, in planning a baby birth announcement, the host must know the number of guests to be invited. Birth announcements are not like any other party events that you can invite everyone in the neighborhood. It is considered as one of those special parties wherein closest friends and relatives are usually the ones being invited to share the happiness with the new parents.
An invitation card is one of the most important parts of planning a birth announcement. Parents must think about the theme and proper wordings that they will have to incorporate into their birth announcement cards. In writing for the invitation details, the host or hosts (parents) must keep in mind that it is a must to include some basic details about their child. Remember that this is an event for your new born baby, not for you as parents. DO NOT include the experience that you had during giving birth; this is not necessary for your invited guests to know. Just keep it simple and brief.
An example for a proper wording would be this:
It’s a Boy!
Introducing our new born child
Amos Raphael
He was born last Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Weighed 7.5 lbs, 6 oz
Length: 18 inches
Waiting with welcoming arms
Marvin and Arleen Smith
It will also be great if parents would spare a little budget with photo shoots for their little angel. The picture can be used for making photo birth announcement cards. This is one unique way of making a more personalized invitation card for the most anticipated event of your lives. In making personalized photo birth announcement cards, you may want to visit several companies’ sites that offer the said services, like SimplyToImpress. These companies will help you in making your own photo birth announcement cards without much cost.
When it comes to selecting food, it will be practical to buy or choose finger foods because they are easy to prepare and come in many options. Since birth announcements must be simple yet elegant, it is not advisable for this kind of party to serve heavy foods, like main courses in a buffet style theme. Another good thing about this kind of set-up is that it costs less, and you will be able to buy something for your guests like souvenirs for them to remember the event. Photos birth announcement cards will be great or handmade crafts will also do a great job.
Considering your finances in order to host an event that spotlights the birth of your precious baby will prove to be a worthwhile endeavor. Fun-filled memories with your baby are a one-of-a-kind experience that will have a big impact in your lives as parents. From thinking for the party’s theme to the preparation of making a photo birth announcement card up to the actual event will sum up into a whole new adventure of fun and loving moments.
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About Author:
Mavis Hayes is a mom of two wonderful boys and a wife to her engineer husband. She is a working mom, currently a partner of, a company that hosts innovative and creative photo greeting cards like Holiday photo Christmas cards. Make your own Christmas photo cards at Mavis Hayes

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By Martin Searle
Get specialist help
The Dispute Resolution or review process is complex and a solicitor or other specialist will be able to:
— Advise on your prospects of success in challenging a decision
— Prepare written submissions
Following the introduction of the National Framework in October 2007, there are now two Dispute Resolution stages:
— Local resolution
— Independent review panel
The Dispute Resolution process can only address whether the National Framework and Guidance have been applied correctly in your or your relative’s case. Concerns about the type of care or treatment, or the location of the care package, need to be dealt with through a separate process.
Ask for a Primary Care Trust review – Local resolution
Apply for a review in writing checking for deadlines or forms. If the request is due to an increase in your relative’s needs, do not be put off by deadlines. Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) are supposed to deal promptly with review requests, although it can take months. The PCT review may involve one or more of the following:
— An internal panel to review assessment documents
— A neighbouring PCT reviewing documents
— An invitation to next of kin (or someone with Enduring Power of Attorney) to attend the Panel review meeting
— An invitation to next of kin (or someone with Enduring Power of Attorney) to express in writing their understanding of the individual’s needs
If you are asked to give your opinion, issues to raise include:
— Errors or misunderstandings by the original assessor of your relative’s needs.
— Needs that are already being met that have been overlooked.
— Supervision, prompting and other specialist interventions needed for dementia or mental health problems.
— Evidence/opinion of complex need and healthcare in any recent hospital assessments (for instance before being discharged).
— Social Services’ care plan or assessments indicating the number and quality of nursing or other interventions required.
— Your own detailed records of the events and illnesses that lead to your relative’s need for care.
— Evidence from a GP or other professional where they did not give an opinion in the original assessment.
Ask for a strategic health authority referral
If the PCT review maintained the original decision, you can ask for the case to be referred to the Strategic Health Authority’s Independent Review Panel (IRP). You can also apply direct to the IRP if the local resolution stage is taking too long. The IRP has an advisory role and can only offer ‘guidance’ on:
— The ‘validity’ of the PCT’s decision
— Whether the PCT correctly applied the National Framework
However, PCTs should accept IRP decisions in all but exceptional cases.
The IRP should let you have the documents they will use to consider your relative’s case and ask you for information about their health needs. However, this information is often only provided a week or so before the hearing. It is advisable to meet your solicitor or adviser well in advance of receiving this information, to prepare your written submissions. You can update them when you have the information.
The panel hearing:
— Consists of three people
— Will normally include a nursing adviser
— Is relatively informal as part of a fact-gathering and decision-making process
— Is private – you and the PCT should be interviewed separately.
You will generally be notified of the decision in writing within four weeks. If the IRP decides your relative should be entitled to NHS continuing healthcare funding, the award should be paid retrospectively to cover the ‘dispute period’. The recommendation should include a date from which the funding should have been awarded. It may be that the IRP says your relative did not meet the criteria for free care at the time you brought the challenge, but that funding should be allowed for a period after that date.
Seek a referral to the healthcare commission
If the IRP upholds the PCT’s decision, you may have a basis to refer the case to the Healthcare Commission. The Commission can review complaints where the complainant is not satisfied with the local decision or where the complaint has been unresolved at local level for six months.
Try the health service ombudsman as a last recourse
There are limitations to the type of issue the Ombudsman can investigate. It can say, for example, whether a request for a continuing care assessment was unreasonably refused. Or whether the rationale for the decision was fair, clear and based on evidence. Or whether the proper processes were carried out. While the Ombudsman cannot make a substitute decision, it can remit the case back to the Strategic Health Authority or PCT for a proper and fair determination.
The National Framework applies to continuing healthcare funding in England. Different guidance operates in Wales and Northern Ireland. Anyone seeking funding should consider seeking specialist advice. A different approach applies in Scotland where nursing and personal care costs (but not accommodation costs) are funded at set levels.
See Accessing Continuing Healthcare Funding Factsheet for help with applying for continuing healthcare funding.
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